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Test Extension

After finishing your developed extension, you may would like to test your extension is workable and debug faults.

In this time you could do it by two ways:

Local Testing

The local testing means you use the extension in the VulcanSQL locally.

You could use npm link to link extension package locally or install local extension package by npm i <extension-package-folder>, you could see Use your customized extensions .

After you installed local extension package, set the extension configuration in vulcan.yaml, same like our other extensions:

<extension-name>: <your-linked-extension-package-name>

# your extension configuration
# ...

Finally, test yor extension by vulcan start command directly to test it.


We suggest to do the local test at least for ensuring your extension is workable.

Unit Testing

Second way, you could write test case to do unit testing for your extension.

Create Test Folder

Please create test folder test/ and put a test file named [your-extension-name].spec.ts in test/ folder, like below:

 - your-extension-folder
| -- src/
| |
| | -- lib/
| |
| | -- your-extension.ts
| -- test/
| -- your-extension.spec.ts # your extension unit test file


Refer to source code structure of "@vulcan-sql/extension-xxx" extensions be samples, e.g: @vulcan-sql/extension-dbt, @vulcan-sql/extension-driver-pg.

Please installed NodeJS (≥ 16), and installed test framework to write unit test, e.g; Jest, Mocha.

it('your unit test description', async () => {

Test Filter and Tag

When need to write unit test for extensions which related to SQL syntax including:

it not easy to check the extension parsed correctly and ran correct result because it work with VulcanSQL compiler.

Therefore, we prepare the test compiler for making you to test filter and tag extension.

please install @vulcan-sql/test-utility package and use the package to test filter and tag extensions.

npm i --save-dev @vulcan-sql/test-utility

Write a unit test by importing getTestCompiler function:

const { getTestCompiler } = require('@vulcan-sql/test-utility');

Then use the getTestCompiler to do the test, by this steps:

  1. Set extension configuration into the getTestCompiler functions and getting the compileAndLoad, execute and getExecutedQueries functions.
  2. Compile your filter or tag extension SQL syntax by compileAndLoad function, executing the compiled SQL by execute function.
  3. Getting result by getExecutedQueries function and assert your expected answer.
it('unit test description', async () => {
const { compileAndLoad, execute, getExecutedQueries } = await getTestCompiler(
// project configuration
extensions: { <your-extension-name>: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'src') },
// extension configuration options

// Compile your tag or filter syntax
await compileAndLoad('your tag or filter extension sql syntax');
await execute({});

// Get result to assert
const queries = await getExecutedQueries();

You could refer to the sample unit code of @vulcan-sql/extension-dbt