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A filter is used to transform variables, e.g. upper filter can convert string to upper case.

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = {{ | upper }}

You can create custom filters with two methods:

Create custom filters with function extensions

How function filter works

Functional filter is an async function that accepts some arguments and the value before it and returns a new value depending on them.

For example: you can write a simple custom filter to add prefix:

import { createFilterExtension, FunctionalFilter } from '@vulcan-sql/core';

const PrefixFunctionalFilter: FunctionalFilter = async ({ value }) => {
return `vulcan-sql-${value}`;

export const PrefixFilter = createFilterExtension(
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = {{ | prefix }}
-- Result: SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = $1
-- Parameters: $1 = vulcan-sql-xxxxx


This is the interface of the argument of FunctionalFilter, it contains the following properties:

  • value: The value before the filter. For example: Ivan is the following template:

    SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = {{ "Ivan" | prefix }}

    You'd receive the raw value, that is, the value before parameterizing.

  • args: The arguments passed into the filter. For example: {len: 3, str: "xxxx"} in the following template:

    SELECT * FROM users WHERE name =
    {{ "Ivan" | prefix(len=3, str='xxxx') }}
  • metadata: The metadata of this request. e.g. profile name, user attributes ...etc.



You can check the demo repository for the full code.

import { createFilterExtension, FunctionalFilter } from '@vulcan-sql/core';const PrefixFunctionFilter: FunctionalFilter = async ({ args, value }) => {  return `${args.pre || 'vulcan'}-${value}`;};export const PrefixTag = createFilterExtension('prefix', Prefix2FunctionFilter);

Create custom filters with FilterBuilder and FilterRunner

If function extensions don't fit your requirements, you can use FilterBuilder and FilterRunner instead, please see the correcsponding document.