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A tag is something enclosed by {% and %}, it often converts the content starts from {% xxx %} to {% endxxx %} to some sql statements. For example:

SELECt * FROM users
{% if != 'admin' %}
{% endif %}

The if tag renders LIMIT 10 only when user is not admin.

You can create custom tags with two methods:

Create custom tags with function extensions

How functional tag works

Functional tag is an async function that accepts some arguments and the content enclosed by it and returns a snippet (pure string) to replace the sql statement.

For example, you can write a simple custom tag to add prefix:

import { createTagExtension, FunctionalTag } from '@vulcan-sql/core';

const PrefixFunctionalTag: FunctionalTag = async ({ sql }) => {
return `vulcan-sql-${sql}`;

export const PrefixTag = createTagExtension('prefix', PrefixFunctionalTag);
SELECT {% prefix %} id {% endprefix %} FROM users;
-- Result: SELECT vulcan-sql-id FROM users;


This is the interface of the argument of FunctionTag, it contains the following properties:

  • sql: The sql statement enclosed by the tag. For example: id of the following template:

    {% prefix %}
    {% endprefix %}
    FROM users;
  • args: The arguments passed into the tag. For example: {len: 3, str: "xxxx"} in the following template:

    {% prefix len=3 str='xxxx' %}
    {% endprefix %}
    FROM users;
  • metadata: The metadata of this request. e.g. profile name, user attributes ...etc.



You can check the demo repository for the full code.

import { createTagExtension, FunctionalTag } from '@vulcan-sql/core';const Mask2FunctionalTag: FunctionalTag = async ({ args, sql }) => {  let { len = 3, padding = 5 } = args;  let paddingString = '';  while (padding--) paddingString += 'x';  return `CONCAT(SUBSTR(${sql}, 0, ${len + 1}), '${paddingString}')`;};export const Mask2Tag = createTagExtension('mask', Mask2FunctionalTag);

Create custom tags with TagBuilder and TagRunner

If function extensions don't fit your requirements, you can use TagBuilder and TagRunner instead, please see the correcsponding document.